Racism from occult perspective

Sagittarius & Pluto
4 min readJun 9, 2020


When we meet someone, we think two people communicate: ourself and our companion. However there are many subjects involved in the communication. We just don’t see them but sometimes we can feel. These substances or spirits exist at higher vibrations in the subtle world.

What kind of spirits are we talking about?

For example, our low programs of subconsciousness: fear, pride, selfishness, deception. All these low programs are located in the subtle world and connected to us. Their goal is to get our energy, so they try to either interrupt our communication, either subdue it.

It’s a situation when our friend gives us advice from the heart but we think “Who the hell does he think he is to lecture me?”. The spirit of our pride is trying to disconnect us from our friend.

Another example of invisible spirits involved in our communication are egregores.

Egregore is an information and energy entity in the subtle world created and influenced by a group of people having something in common. Egregores have their own will and character and can affect people. There are different types of egregores: family egregores, professional ones, subcultural egregores, etc.

The situation, when an acid-techno lover meets a fan of EDM and thinks: “pff…there is nothing I can discuss with that person”.

And of course the national and the religious egregores the reasons of racism and xenophobia. When we meet a person from a different country, our national egregores meet as well. If they don’t have strong connections, if they don’t like each other and don’t trust each other, then they send a signal to us: “don’t talk to them.”

Egregores are made by lots of people, their energy is huge. They work through our subconsciousness, slightly changing our assemblage point so we begin to see a person in a bad way. All rational reasons come later to explain our subconscious decision to us.

If we ask a racist person why they are racist, we won’t get a reasonable answer. Probably it will be something like: “because they are criminals, dangerous, evil, etc.” But to the next question “why do you think they are evil?” we probably won’t get an answer at all.

During the coronavirus epidemic many Asian people across the Globe have faced a lot of racism: some people were afraid that the Asians would bring the virus even if they’d never been in China, notwithstanding the virus was already spreading in other countries. Asian people were dangerous just because they were asian. Same as in India all foreign people looked dangerous. This fear was irrational — and implanted by egregores.

The lower level of consciousness a person has, the less opportunity they have to resist egregore’s will.

Here is the first conclusion

To resist racism and xenophobia we need to increase the level of consciousness. The more spiritually grown we are, the more decisions we can make by ourselves, the less power egregores and other spirits have over us.

If we try to fight against racism with rationality and social conviction, we won’t solve the problem, but will hide it instead.

If people stay at the same level of consciousness with the same unfriendly egregores, they won’t stop being racist, the power of egregores to their subconsciousness will remain strong. They will just keep it inside silently.
For the time being. But this hidden hate may very possibly come out one day: and suddenly a president election wins a racist whose rating used to be very low according to all social surveys because his supporters were too afraid to confess their real political sympathy.

Another very important point

When we communicate with a person from a different culture, race or religion — our egregores communicate as well. The more correct, productive and secure our communication is, the more connections we build between our egregores.

That’s why countries have diplomats and make cultural exchanges at government level.

That means that our interest in other cultures and communication with other people are important not only for us and affect not only our life, but all relationships between our nations, cultures or religions. When a German speaks to a Syrian, not only these two people communicate, but their national egregores, their nations, do too.

We all can be Ambassadors with a diplomatic mission.

We can connect different egregores not only by speaking with a person, but by reading literature of another culture, listening to their music or watching a movie. When we deal with something connected to another egregore, we connect to this egregore as well.

So if we want to beat racism we should make more connections between cultures, learn more about other nations, their history, culture or pain. Good news is that we don’t have to wait for someone else and can start doing it now ourselves.

That’s important to understand: we can connect and affect the egregores not only by physical actions but by inner work inside ourselves.

That’s why when we see systematic injustice happening somewhere far away where we can’t be physically and give our direct support, we put supportive avatars in social media, write special hashtags, talk about that with friends etc.

If we really care about the situation and do our inner work, we change our egregores as well. If we do it alone, that may be difficult. But if we do it all together then we have a real power to make changes for a better world even if we think we are too far for real actions.


We should work on our level of consciousness. Don’t let egregores and other spirits interrupt our communication or change our assemblage point. Learn more about other cultures, religions or nations to build bridges between our egregores. And care about what’s happening in other parts of our planet and reflect it inside ourselves.



Sagittarius & Pluto

Practicing astrologer. Share experience and thoughts about astrology and subtle world.